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Code of Conduct

Part 1-Student Guiding Principles  


At Val-d'Or Continuing Education Centre, our guiding principles lead to healthy relationships, respectful behaviour, and the creation of a positive learning environment. 


  • Respect of oneself, others, and the physical space we share (respect yourself, courteous and polite toward others, promoting cleanliness, practicing good hygiene, respecting the classroom/centre environment etc.) 

  • Respect of oneself, others, and the digital space we share (adhering to the technology user agreement, cyber bullying, posting on social media, referencing others) 

  • Share your successes to support others (share our achievements to promote achievement in others) 

  • Embrace your mistakes and learn from them (seeing our mistakes as learning moments and a valuable necessary part of learning) 

  • Accepting there are necessary rules to follow (drug and alcohol policy, smoking policy, attendance policy-reporting absences, Safe Schools Policy*) 

  • Empowered to use your voice toward positive changes in the Adult Education community (student council, share ideas, see something say something, student rights) 

  • Aspire to a professional behaviour (on time at start time until break time then return time for class time as per class scheduled time; wear clothes that follow guiding principle 1, 8) 

  • Accept diversity, differences, and inclusivity (safe spaces for all members of the Adult Education community) 


Part 2 -Anti-bullying, Inclusion and Acceptance of Difference and Diversity 


The Hull Adult Education Centre believes that every member of its community has the right to learn and work in a safe, physical, and cyber environment.  

All citizens of Quebec and Canada are protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms BY LAW from: 

  • Verbal bullying 

  • Cyber bullying 

  • Physical bullying 

  • Sexual harassment 

  • Sexual violence 

  • Non-verbal intimidation 

  • Discrimination against any race, colour, culture, religion* 

  • Discrimination against 2SLGBTQIA2 community 


Canada, Quebec, the WQSB, and the Hull Centre have in place a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for any violation of the above rights and freedoms BY LAW.  


Therefore, if a student breaks Quebec and/or Canadian law by violating above, the following consequences will ensue: 


1st act of violation-Meeting with admin and suspension (10 days) 

2nd act of violation-Indefinite suspension with education/reflection requirements (this suspension can be short or long depending on the student completing the project while suspended. Indefinite means they remain out on suspension until the project to return is completed to a level deemed acceptable by the admin) 

3rd act of violation-Removal from the Centre (removal with no chance of return-not explusion) 


The Val-d'Or Continuing Education Centre does not tolerate any behaviour that jeopardizes the psychological, social, or physical well-being of members of its community.  

Inappropriate behaviour, including online, is defined as any repeated direct or indirect adverse behaviour, comment, act, or gesture, whether deliberate or not. This occurs when there is a power imbalance between people which causes distress and injuries, hurts, oppresses, intimidates, or ostracizes another. 

Violations of the Safe Centre Policy will be addressed by the Centre administration. Any member of our community who feels their safe space has been violated has a right to and is encouraged to report the incident centre administration. 


Part 3-Student Rights AND Responsibilities 


As a Val-d'Or Continuing Education Centre (VCEC) student, I have Rights but responsibilities that accompany those rights. VCEC is a learning community committed to providing a safe and civil environment which is respectful of the rights, responsibilities, well-being, and dignity of all its members. As a member of this community students can expect to be a part of a respectful, engaging, collaborative, creative and innovative environment 


VCEC Student Rights 

  • VCEC has established policies and procedures to ensure that all members of the centre community may benefit from the promotion of its core values. The centre upholds and will take reasonable steps to ensure that students, as members of our community, are aware of their rights and responsibilities, as follows: 

  • Every student has a right to pursue their education in an environment that is safe, secure, and conducive to learning. Students have a right not to be subjected to harassment, sexual harassment, bullying or discrimination, indignity, injury, or violence. 

  • Students have the right to free inquiry, expression, belief, political association, and assembly, provided they do not interfere with the rights of others, with the effective operation of the VCEC or violate other Centre and school board policies and procedures. 

  • Every student has a right to due process and procedural fairness in any investigation of allegedly improper student conduct or alleged violations of policy. 

  • Every student has a right to a protection of privacy consistent with VCEC policy and existing privacy legislation. 

  • Students have the right to reasonable access to statements of policies, procedures, and guidelines of the VCEC.  

  • Students have the right to form and participate in a Student Council. 


VCEC Student Responsibilities 

  • Along with rights come certain responsibilities. Academic and non-academic integrity are inherent in student responsibilities. 

  • Students at VCEC are expected to act consistently with the values of the Centre community and to obey local, provincial, and federal laws. 

  • Every student is responsible for abiding by all VCEC policies. 

  • Students are responsible for exercising their freedoms with honesty, integrity, and respect for the principles of justice, equality, and human rights. 

  • Every student is responsible for contributing to making the VCEC community safe, respectful, and inclusive. Students must refrain from conduct that threatens or endangers the health, safety, well-being, or dignity of any person. 

  • Students are expected to be individually responsible for their actions whether acting individually or in a group. VCEC considers that students have an obligation to make legal and responsible decisions concerning their conduct and to model and convey the centre's expectations of conduct to their peers and staff members. 

  • Every student is responsible to resolve academic and personal issues by communicating with the appropriate VCEC staff members. 

  • Every student is responsible to keep VCEC informed of their current contact information and any change of name. 

  • Every student is responsible to observe and obey all health and safety procedures outlined for classrooms and field trips.  

  • Students are responsible to become familiar with course outlines, content, evaluation methods, timelines, and academic calendar.  

  • Students are responsible for reading emails directed to their VCEC-assigned email and for responsible use of technology. 

  • Students are responsible to be aware that they have signed a consent waver regarding the use of digital images. 

Centre de formation continue Western Quebec Val-d'Or

Privacy Policy

Standards and Procedures

980 7e rue

Val-d'Or, Québec  

J9P 3P8



Numéro de téléphone : 819-825-4135


Numéro de télécopieur : 819-825-0011


  • Facebook

Centre Director

Sheldon Macgillivray


Nous reconnaissons que les terres sur lesquelles nous vivons, apprenons et travaillons sont le territoire traditionnel non cédé des peuples algonquins Anishinaabe. Nous les remercions de partager ces terres et nous nous engageons, en tant qu'organisation, en tant qu'éducateurs et en tant qu'individus, à entretenir une relation continue qui reconnaît et respecte les terres, les traditions et la culture du peuple Anishinaabe


We acknowledge that the lands upon which we live, learn, and work are the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe peoples. We thank them for sharing these lands and commit, as an organization, as educators and as individuals, to an ongoing relationship that recognizes and respects the lands, traditions, and culture of the Anishinaabe people.

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